A round up of things from my month, in no particular order.1
Human creations
Diving back into the work of Tami Lynn Kent.
This interesting essay from
by that my mom sent me.Looking forward to listening to the new Deeper Call podcast from
.Photos of the impact of humans on the planet.
on Soft Confidence.This sermon from ZaoMKE where Pastor Jonah Overton talks about Jesus presenting a cyclical view of life and death—not a linear, binary destination of heaven or hell. Having grown up in fundamentalist churches, I think I let out an audible sigh of relief when I heard those words from Jonah. It makes so much more sense. Thirty years of fear and confusion were soothed with this sermon. (Also available on ApplePodcasts.)
The local farmers market is killing it. As a friend said, that is my church now.
Also took a gorgeous garden walk in the rain.
More-than-human world
This is the time of the year that it becomes the hardest for me to find beauty in the landscape where I live. I know this is confusing. It’s summer! We’re supposed to love summer. But where I live, give me deep winter over high summer. Everything is parched now and it’s hard to go outside without feeling like you’re being crush by the air or drown in it. There’s nowhere to safely swim nearby. The lilies in bloom here now make me inexplicably sad. I think I might have a touch of seasonal affective disorder, just it comes in late summer not winter.
But here’s who has shown up and brought me joy or lessons this month:
Seeing blue vervain irl for the first time
A beaver
A hummingbird
A friend’s tiny foundling kitten
More moon gazing
What has brought you joy this month?
What has made you feel seen and safe?
As for the title of this post: I couldn’t help myself.