Have you been reading my journals and mind? These thoughts you’ve shared are so similar to what’s been percolating in my mind recently. Thank you for the wonderful mention too! I am honored and grateful ♥️

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Was just talking about the discomfort that comes with the act of emerging this week. Growth is glorified but it's also painful. The splitting open of a branch. The initial transformation from one state of being to another. It can also be both slow and then fast, at times erratic -- like a flower that spends a lot of time underground and then the entire plant shoots through the earth and quickly blooms. Thank you for this essay. It resonated!

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I resonate with this a lot. Especially how I’m feeling very tender - I think “betwixt & between” says it nicely. I was going to write a bit about this uneasy/tender part of spring this week but now I have two kids home with a stomach bug. 😩 I also love the idea of keeping a bloom journal, and that meme is priceless 😂

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